Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wolfgang Pauli and the Fine-Structure Constant | Sherbon | Journal of Science

Wolfgang Pauli and the Fine-Structure Constant | Sherbon | Journal of Science

Michael A. Sherbon


Wolfgang Pauli was influenced by Carl Jung and the Platonism of Arnold Sommerfeld, who introduced the fine-structure constant. Pauli’s vision of a World Clock is related to the symbolic form of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes and Plato’s geometric allegory otherwise known as the Cosmological Circle attributed to ancient tradition. With this vision Pauli revealed geometric clues to the mystery of the fine-structure constant that determines the strength of the electromagnetic interaction. A Platonic interpretation of the World Clock and the Cosmological Circle provides an explanation that includes the geometric structure of the pineal gland described by the golden ratio. In his experience of archetypal images Pauli encounters the synchronicity of events that contribute to his quest for physical symmetry relevant to the development of quantum electrodynamics.


Wolfgang Pauli; Fine-Structure Constant; Pauli's World Clock; Cosmological Circle; Platonism

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mathematical Constants of Natural Philosophy

Michael A. Sherbon    July 21, 2010


Plato's theory of everything is an introduction to a Pythagorean natural philosophy that includes Egyptian sources. The Pythagorean Table and Pythagorean harmonics from the ancient geometry of the Cosmological Circle are related to symbolic associations of basic mathematical constants with the five elements of Plato's allegorical cosmology: Archimedes constant, Euler's number, the polygon circumscribing limit, the golden ratio, and Aristotle's quintessence. Quintessence is representative of the whole, or the one in four, extraneously considered a separate element or fifth force. This relationship with four fundamental interactions or forces also involves the correlation of constants with the five Platonic solids: tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron. The values of several fundamental physical constants are also calculated, and a basic equation is given for a unified physical theory in the geometric universe of Plato's natural philosophy.
SSRN Classics: Journal of Philosophical & Scientific Texts

Monday, September 7, 2009

Fine-structure constant

 Inverse alpha, or the inverse fine-structure constant: 


Classical Quintessence and the Cosmological Constant

by Michael A. Sherbon
SSRN Classics: Journal of Philosophical & Scientific Texts (12 July 2009)
From the cosmology of classical quintessence and the Cosmological Circle of ancient geometry, quintessence is calculated as the primary fundamental physical constant. The role of the fine-structure constant in quantum electrodynamics is briefly discussed and the same value for inverse alpha, the inverse fine-structure constant found in previous work, is confirmed. Then the cosmological constant is calculated, confirming a recent theoretical prediction related to the fine-structure constant and the cosmological constant.
Citeulike references and articles for the fine-structure constant